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Heaven: A History
Part I: The Invention of Heaven
The Heaven Knot (5:38)
Disclaimers about Heaven (5:01)
The Oldest Afterlife Beliefs (16:45)
Earliest Conceptions of Heaven (15:51)
Greece's "Ideal" Heaven (14:06)
Israel's Alternative Hope: Resurrection (7:22)
Q&A with Dr. Hitchcock (Part I)
QUIZ: Part I
EXTRA: Further Reading on the Invention of Heaven
Part II: The Assimilation of Heaven
Introduction: The Assimilation of Heaven (4:11)
Heaven 2.0: The Perfect Place among the Stars (4:11)
The Hebrew Assimilation: Paradise (18:21)
The Resurrection Hope and the Heaven Footnote (19:38)
The Lurch toward Heaven (11:41)
Q&A with Dr. Hitchcock (Part II)
EXTRA: Further Reading on the Assimilation of Heaven
Part III: The Paradoxing of Heaven
Introduction: The Paradoxing of Heaven (2:42)
Augustine and the Vision of God (19:55)
Paradox 1 (13:22)
Paradox 2 (7:16)
Paradox 3 (6:45)
Excursus: Hell (6:12)
Paradox 4 (8:05)
The Undissolvable Resurrection (5:01)
Q&A with Dr. Hitchcock (Part III)
EXTRA: Further Reading on the Paradoxing of Heaven
Part IV: The Purification of Heaven
Introduction: The Purification of Heaven (2:48)
Tugging at the Heaven Knot (10:06)
De-paradoxing Heaven: Paradox 4 (6:50)
De-paradoxing Heaven: Paradox 3 (3:12)
Deparadoxing Heaven: Paradox 2 (5:17)
Deparadoxing Heaven: Paradox 1 (2:09)
The Filtering of the Flesh (9:53)
Q&A with Dr. Hitchcock (Part IV)
EXTRA: Further Reading on the Purification of Heaven
Part V: The Domestication of Heaven
Introduction: The Domestication of Heaven (4:09)
Choosing the Heavenly Home (12:40)
Sensing Heaven on Earth (12:15)
The Victorian Heavenly Home (10:54)
Tenets of the Victorian Concept of Heaven (14:26)
Escape and Eclipse in the 20th Century (13:53)
Contemporary Trends (13:25)
Conclusions (5:40)
Q&A with Dr. Hitchcock (Part V)
QUIZ: Part V
EXTRA: Further Reading on the Domestication of Heaven
EXTRA: Music Videos about Heaven
EXTRA: Finding Hope after a Cancer Diagnosis (Interview with Chris Lawrence) (19:51)
Choosing the Heavenly Home
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